Crystal 8th June 2019

My love, my husband, my life.... I miss you with all my body, heart and soul. The day you died, I died with you though my body somehow continued to live but without you, I am only half a person....and that half is irreparably broken. Without you....I am not me. For you, I continue on in this life (one very small step at a time) to raise and care for your (our) children. I know that your kids meant everything to you and now that you are gone, I honor you by being the best mother I can be and give them the life you wanted them to have. I pray you are proud of me and the things I'm doing to make sure that your hopes and dreams for your children are being fulfilled in your absence. Know that I miss you terribly and everything I do, I do for you, my love. Until we can be reunited in heaven for all eternity, I will remain faithfully devoted to you.... Love, Your Wife- Crystal