Kyla and Daddy- the day she was born

Created by Crystal 2 years ago
Kyla and Daddy- the day she was born
Created by Crystal now

The day Kyla was born, Bruce was right there to see his beautiful baby girl. We didn't know we were pregnant until I was SIX MONTHS ALONG so it felt like one day we were just the three of us (Daddy, Mommy and Big Sister Cella) and then the next day- SURPRISE!! KYLA MAE ENDSLEY was born. The doctor handed Bruce the scissors to cut the cord and he took them, without a problem. And then he stood there. Frozen. Unable to believe that this beautiful, perfect little girl was his. He had Cella and now he had Kyla. The doctor had to tell him at least 6 times to cut the cord or else he was going to take the scissors from him. I had to finally yell his name, 'Bruce, cut your baby's cord so you can hold her!' He did. Then he looked at me with big eyes and said, "I can hold her?" So innocent. So in love. I smiled- yes. She is yours. You can hold her forever.
And Kyla- (Cella, Rickie, RJ, and Hadden) HE DOES!! You may not see him or hear him.....BUT HE DOES. He's never left you. He holds you, always. You Daddy loves you guys... Forever.