RJ (William Richard Endsley, Jr) and Daddy (William Bruce Endsley, Sr) Story

Created by Crystal 2 years ago
RJ was the gift that his Mommy and Daddy prayed for- a boy. RJ had three beautiful big sisters (Cella, Kyla and Rickie) but his Daddy wanted a son to name after him and his Mommy wanted a son to name in honor of her Father (Richared Lee Endsley Sr.) and her little brother (Richared Lee Endsley, Jr. ... aka Ricky) but when we went to the OB for the Ultrasound....the technician told us, we were having another girl. Well, Daddy and Mommy knew different. We KNEW our boy (MAMA'S MAN) and Daddy's namesake (RJ) was a BOY. OUR SON. So we decorated his nursery in boy colors and Zoo animals. We know our babies. And Daddy knew his son, his LITTLE MAN, was not another girl. He was a boy. That one day would grow to be a GREAT MAN. A man like his Daddy. RJ- Your Daddy loves you and he is with you every single day, honey. Close your eyes, say his name- Daddy- and you will feel him. He is with you. He is watching you grow into the big boy, the strong man, that we knew you always would be. Daddy loves you and so do I, RJ. Love, Mom and Dad